JSPS 科研費電子申請システム
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(研究倫理教育の受講等について) Completion of Research Ethics Education Coursework, etc.
 科研費の配分により行われる研究活動に参画する研究代表者、研究分担者は、自ら研究倫理教育に関する教材(『科学の健全な発展のために−誠実な科学者の心得−』日本学術振興会「科学の健全な発展のために」編集委員会、研究倫理eラーニングコース(e-Learning Course on Research Ethics[eL CoRE])、APRIN eラーニングプログラム(eAPRIN)等)を通読・履修すること、又は、「研究活動における不正行為への対応等に関するガイドライン」(平成26年8月26日 文部科学大臣決定)を踏まえ研究機関が実施する研究倫理教育を受講することが求められています。
Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators (Co-Is) who are conducting research activities granted by KAKENHI must read the teaching material concerning Ethics Education in Research ,such as“For the Sound Development of Science - The Attitude of a Conscientious Scientist -” (“For the Sound Development of Science” Editorial Committee on JSPS) , complete E-Learning Course on Research Ethics (eL CoRE), APRIN e-learning program (eAPRIN), etc. or attend the lecture program given by research institutions on Ethics Education in Research in accordance with the “Guidelines for Responding to Misconduct in Research” (Adopted August 26, 2014 by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology).
Please read and confirm the following items on the Completion of Research Ethics Education Coursework, etc. and check the box for verification.
I attended the Research Ethics Education Coursework, etc. in the accordance with the handling by the research institution to which I belong.

If your project members include (a) Co-Investigator(s), please ask him/her/them about the following and check the box.
All Co-Investigators of my project members attended the Research Ethics Education Coursework, etc. in accordance with the handling by the research institutions to which they belong.

If your project members do not include (a) Co-Investigator(s), please check the box below.
My project members do not include (a) Co-Investigator(s).
(研究者が遵守すべき行動規範について) Code of Conduct for Scientists to Adhere
研究者が研究遂行上配慮すべき、日本学術会議の声明「科学者の行動規範−改訂版−」(うち、T.科学者の責務)や、日本学術振興会「科学の健全な発展のために−誠実な科学者の心得−」(特に、SectionT 責任ある研究活動とは)について、十分内容を理解し確認しました。科研費による研究を遂行するに当たっては、こうした行動規範を遵守し、公平で誠実な研究活動を行うことを約束します。
【日本学術会議 声明「科学者の行動規範−改訂版−」(平成25年(2013年)1月25日)より抜粋】
I understand thoroughly and confirm both the statement "Code of Conduct for Scientists -Revised Version-" (section I. "Responsibilities of Scientists") by the Science Council of Japan and the booklet "For the Sound Development of Science - The Attitude of a Conscientious Scientist-" (especially section I "What Is a Responsible Research Activity?") issued by the JSPS for which the researchers should consider in conducting their research. Also, I pledge to adhere such code of conduct and carry out research activities fairly and conscientiously in conducting the research using the KAKENHI.
[Extraction from the Statement "Code of Conduct for Scientists - Revised Version -" by the Science Council of Japan dated on 25 January 2013]
I Responsibilities of Scientists
(Basic Responsibilities of Scientists)
1Scientists shall recognize that they are responsible for assuring the quality of the specialized knowledge and skills that they themselves create, and for using their expert knowledge, skills and experience to contribute to the health and welfare of humankind, the safety and security of society and the sustainability of the global environment.
(Attitude of Scientists)
2Scientists shall always make judgments and act with honesty and integrity, endeavoring to maintain and improve their own expertise, abilities and skills, and shall make the utmost effort to scientifically and objectively demonstrate the accuracy and validity of the knowledge they create through scientific research.
(Scientists in Society)
3Scientists shall recognize that scientific autonomy is upheld by public trust and the mandate of the people, understand the relationships between science, technology, society, and the natural environment from a wide-ranging perspective, and act in an appropriate manner.
(Research that Answers to Social Wishes)
4Scientists shall recognize that they are responsible for answering to the wishes of society to investigate into truths and to achieve various issues. When using research funds that are to be provided for establishing the research environment and for conducting research scientists shall always recognize that such broad social expectations exist.
(Accountability and Disclosure)
5Scientists shall strive to disclose and actively explain the roles and significance of their own research, evaluate the possible effects of their research on people, society and the environment as well as the changes that their research might engender, neutrally and objectively disclose the results of this evaluation, and build a constructive dialogue with society.
(Dual Use of Scientific Research Outcomes)
6Scientists shall recognize that there exist possibilities that their research results, contrary to their own intentions, may be used for destructive actions, and shall select appropriate means and methods as allowed by society in conducting research and publicizing the results.
* URL:http://www.scj.go.jp/ja/scj/kihan/
["For the Sound Development of Science - The Attitude of a Conscientious Scientist -" by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)]
(Japanese version (text version)) ("For the Sound Development of Science" Editorial Committee on JSPS)
* URL:https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-kousei/data/rinri.pdf

If your project members include (a) Co-Investigator(s), please ask him/her/all of them to make a pledge on the following statement and check the box.
He/she/they understand thoroughly and confirm both the above-mentioned statement "Code of Conduct for Scientists -Revised Version-" by the Science Council of Japan and the booklet "For the Sound Development of Science - The Attitude of a Conscientious Scientist-" issued by the JSPS as a Co-Investigator. Also, he/she/they pledge to adhere such code of conduct and carry out research activities fairly and conscientiously in conducting the research using the KAKENHI as a Co-Investigator.

If your project members do not include (a) Co-Investigator(s), please check the box below.
My project members do not include (a) Co-Investigator(s).
(補助条件(交付条件) の遵守について) For Compliance of Supplementary Conditions (Funding Conditions)
When conducting research activities using KAKENHI, I understand and comply with the supplementary conditions (funding conditions). Also, I clearly recognize that citizens have placed trust in scientific research and that KAKENHI are funded with their tax, and I therefore use KAKENHI in a proper and efficient way and refrain from committing research misconduct during my research.

If your project members include (a) Co-Investigator(s), please ask him/her/all of them to make a pledge on the following statement and check the box.
When conducting research activities using KAKENHI, he/she/they understand and comply with the supplementary conditions (funding conditions) as a Co-Investigator. Also, he/she/they clearly recognize that citizens have placed trust in scientific research and that KAKENHI are funded with their tax, and he/she/they therefore use KAKENHI in a proper and efficient way and refrain from committing research misconduct during my research as a Co-Investigator.

If your project members do not include (a) Co-Investigator(s), please check the box below.
My project members do not include (a) Co-Investigator(s).
